In recent years, we can see a variety of large and smallplastic lockersthat are neatly arranged in many public places such as gymnasiums, hot springs, swimming pool, etc. These plastic lockers are use···
The promising future of plastic lockers
Nowadays, many plastic locker companies constantly transform their business due to the coming of the intelligent era. We can see a lot of intelligent products combined with lockers in our daily life. ···
Comparison between ABS and PP
There so many kinds ofplastic lockerson the market. Both theABS plastic lockersand the PPplastic lockerare usually seen. However, which kind ofplastic lockeris worth buying more?Comparison between ABS···
Are Plastic Lockers Toxic and Harmful?
There are many people believing that plastics are toxic to a certain extent. They hesitate to buyplastic lockerson the market and avoid using them as much as possible because they believe toxicplastic···
Materials of Plastic Lockers
The plastic material is very familiar to people in daily life. So doplastic lockers. Moreover, there are several kinds of plastics used for the locker and different kinds of plastics can affect the qu···
Tips for Purchasing Plastic Lockers
In general, people would like to collect the price information ofplastic lockersbriefly before buying them. Thus, they can make sure the price range they can accept and determine the locker they plan ···
ABS plastic locker(commonly known asplastic locker,full plastic locker), isformedof ABS resinmaterialby aninjection-moldingtechnique of large-scale injection molding machine.ABS plastic lockeris natur···
How to Clean Plastic Locker?
For small house, how to clear up various sundries is a problem. Those sundries cannot only be placed tidily by categories, but also should be taken in time when need them. The plastic locker is the be···
Main Applications of ABS Plastic
Main applications of ABS plastic contain auto, electronic products and building materials.The application in auto contains instrument board, outer panel, decorative plate, steering wheel, acoustic pan···
If peculiar smell arise fromABSplastic locker, how do you deal with it?Here are some steps to clean the smell in plastic locker:(1) Use rice water to clean out the smell: take soft cloth dipped in the···